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Can Plants Save the Planet? with Rosemary Gladstar & Pam Montgomery


Your contribution makes it possible for ONE to share educational resources for building co-creative relationships with the Living Earth. Together we are cultivating a world where all beings have the right to thrive and our Sacred connection with Nature is honored. We do this by…

  • Recognizing Earth as a living being that sustains all life and, by this virtue, has an inherent right to thrive.

  • Advocating for Earth Rights to ensure a bright future for Earth and all her beings.

  • Working toward right-relationship as people who are inherently part of Nature.

Rosemary Gladstar Rosemary Gladstar is, literally, a star figure in the field of modern herbalism, internationally renowned for her technical knowledge and stewardship in the global herbalist community. She has been learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 40 years and is the author of eleven books.

Her work includes Medicinal Herbs: a Beginners Guide, Herbal Healing for Women, Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, and The Science and Art of Herbalism, an extensive in depth home study course. She is the Founding President of United Plant Savers and founder and past director of the International Herb Symposium.

Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent, spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner, she has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution. She is the author of Partner Earth; A Spiritual Ecology and the best-selling Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness.

She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology and people as Nature Evolutionaries. Her latest research is on plants' light and sound, which are foundational means of communication in the biological world. Pam has been visioning the O.N.E. for several years and in 2013, hosted the first organizational meeting in Vermont while others met in California. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

October 26

Rekindling Ancestral Memory

April 29

Pollinator Gratitude Ceremony