The Miracle of Seeds

By Martha Hamilton

seeds Sacred earth activism

The miracle of the seed never ceases to amaze me. For many years, I grew my own food, and over time became a seed saver. Upon the arrival of Spring, I carefully buried each seed in the soil, covering it gently, to be gone from sight and to rest in the embrace of the earth. Then came the time of anticipation and patiently waiting. Inevitably, my mind formed around questions like- “Is it really going to happen again? Could it really be that a plant will come forth from what is contained in the tiny seed?”

The immense joy of the little green sprout coming into view was always a moment of celebration! Over the Summer months, I observed in awe and wonder and appreciation as the sun and the rain worked their magic. The seed that had become a plant grew and grew, maturing, flowering, and producing many more of the very same seed.

In the Fall, with great respect and reverence, I gathered the offerings of food, with such comfort in knowing that there was enough to plant the following Spring.

During the cold Winter months, garlic resting in baskets, potatoes layered in wood shavings, and dried corn and beans shining like jewels in glass jars embodied hope in tangible form. What a mystery they held, carrying the secret of the transmission of life within!

They reproduced year after year in repeated generations, like visitations of cherished family. To participate in the journey with seeds is to witness the miracle contained in the cycle of life. The co-operation of the seasons and the elements all joined together, making life possible.

Recently, I have been pondering the archetype of seed. My experiences have made it very clear that inside, at the core of each seed is a spark of life. The evident pattern of planting, emerging, growth, harvest and planting is repeated again and again and again in multiple applications of expression. No aspect of life escapes this cycle.

As humans, capable of conscious awareness and assigned the role of caretakers, our intuitive comprehension of this cycle must be preserved.

With honor and gratitude for the gift of the seed, we hold what has been given tenderly, as a treasure. There is dignity and value and worth in every single seed.

The life a seed brings forth is an expression of love that is meant to continue. The harvest bestows graciously an abundance of food and the means to co-create.

Each one of us is a seed that has been planted. We are the harvest. Love is the gift, and we are the ones who sow the gift. The choice is always ours to broadcast love. We certainly have an excellent example through the wisdom of nature unfolding before our eyes. Now as always, the seeds we sow determine the future. The spark of love is in our hearts, our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

The miracle of the seed is contained in the truth of sowing and reaping, the rhythm of creation. May we remember to trust the miracle, and move forward with focused, determined intention. Love is stronger than death. May we hear the beating of the drum and dance the dance of life.


Turning to Plants for Healing


ONE Community: Pam Benjamin