Open up to Nature with Plant & Gem Essences

By David Dalton


We all have innate sensory abilities that link us directly to the natural world. I recently taught a two-session Zoom class on plant communication. There were twenty-two students in the class from all parts of the world, all with different types and levels of sensitivities and experience. In the class, I gave a wide variety of ways to open up to nature and the plant world to receive information, messages, and lessons. What followed over those two sessions were experiences that might be difficult for many to believe or take seriously.

One student used a gem spray on her garden and found that plants who were not producing, began to yield a dramatically high amount of vegetables. Another received clear instruction in dream time about the use of a flower as an essence. A third was transported to another dimension and met her fairy self. Most were surprised or overwhelmed at the depth and power of their experiences and the possibilities that come from earnest research.

The lesson here, to me, is clear. When we open ourselves to possibilities and suspend doubt and expectations, then our experience can take us to a new level of appreciation and understanding. We grow. We become bigger. Our container can hold more.

Because our society generally turns to logic and the scientific method to define our reality, it may be difficult for some of us to look beyond the emphasis that science and modern medicine have put on our worldview and to trust energetic alternatives to this paradigm. We are still looking to kill invading microbes rather than explore the reasons why the system, as a whole, becomes susceptible to illness. We are still chasing symptoms rather than deeply considering what may have caused these issues to appear.

To learn about the essences, I have maintained a busy practice for nearly three decades, using only flower essences and gem elixirs with clients of all ages and temperaments, with a wide variety of health problems. To my delight and amazement, I have found that addressing illness on the vibrational level yields dramatic changes in health, vitality, and inner strength.

The world of flower essences holds a potential for anyone who wishes, to grow and transform. This type of awakening takes us beyond the laws of science and the physical world. It invites us to take a leap beyond the type of thinking that insists that the three-dimensional reality is all there is.

The healing promoted by flower essences holds the same promise. When clients suspend their skepticism and take a step into the world of flower energy, the results can be a challenge to the rational mind. The way one engineer I was working remotely with put it, “I can't see or touch what you are doing, so my mind can't believe it’s real, except I’m better. The pain and swelling are gone, my energy is back. How is this possible?”

We have become programmed, indoctrinated into a set of rules about reality that someone essentially made up and everyone decided was true. It is this world-view that holds our reality together, when in fact we are all searching for something greater, something beyond what we are witnessing in the daily world.

In the plant communication class, I watched twenty-two people take a leap beyond what they thought was their capacity and what was real. All had experiences beyond their expectations. All have a different world-view of the relationship of humans to plants. All got bigger.

What idea is holding you back? What doubt prevents you from seeing possibilities? What invitation has been extended to you to be able to see more?

Check out David’s Free teleseminar on August 15th,
“Healing and Evolving with Plant and Gem Essences”.


Earth Nourishment


Grazing for Humans