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Invited into Intimacy~ The Spirit and Essence of Trees with Kate Gilday

Pine, Oak, Maple and Birch, Spruce and Fir, wild Apple and Cherry, Beech and Aspen~ these are some of the trees that grace the woodlands of the Northeast.  These are the generous elders that have sheltered, warmed, fed and nurtured people and forest dwelling animals for millions of years.  They are the standing ones who reach for the sky even as they spread or deepen their roots, connecting with the earth and with each other.  In his poem “ Fireflies” Bengali song- poet Rabandrith Tagore suggests“Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” 


These tall ones do seem to be conduits between earth and sky~ storing sunlight in their bodies, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and bringing water up from the deeper recesses of the soil.  They carry the long story of the land, of change, and of the qualities to withstand and even flourish in times of uncertainty.  Strength, resiliency, networking, communication, generosity and essence of community, there is much we can learn and integrate from the wisdom held in a forest.

Over the millennia we have lived and grown with the trees and they continue to invite us into partnership that we may all thrive even in uncertain times.  Each species carries gifts of its essential nature. By creating time to be with these ancient ones and in paying attention with all of our senses, we can answer the invitation the trees offer and learn how the Spirit essence of a tree can touch and enter our hearts, minds and own personal essence. We come into relationship where our lives and that of the trees are enriched. It simply takes stepping forward, opening our arms and spirits to embrace the gift of intimacy that awaits.

KATE GILDAY has been a clinical herbalist, flower essence practitioner and creator, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant and teacher for over 30 years. A creative medicine maker, Kate is the founder of Woodland Essence, a forest botanicals and flower essence company and workshop center. For many years, Kate was a member of Collaborative Healing, a group of local practitioners who address health care through a unique integrative network, educating the community and combining conventional medicine with expert complementary care. She is well-loved for the clarity and clinical relevance gleaned from decades of experience in her teachings. Kate brings her love of the wild places, song and healing to the workshops she presents around the Northeast. She has just stepped back from her practice to spend time with her grandchildren, and (finally!) begin writing a book about the woodlands she loves so well.

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January 21

Wisdom of the Ancient Trees with Esperide Ananas

March 18

Nourishing Trees of Life with Rani Findlay